Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | grass | person | sky OCR: Zambia: The Last Wild erness AFRICA UNDI SCOVEREI WILDLIFE DESTINATION Join u.S for superb expedition e xp lor ing the wildest parts of Zambia the last haven of unspoiled Africa. We begin in Zambia's Luangwa Va lle y. one of Africa's great wildlife paradi ises Along the great Luangwa River in South Luangwa National Park we find an extraordinary assem blage of wildlife: the river is choked with thousands of hip pos and crocodiles, while scat- tered herds of elephants kudu, zebra, wilde beest and giraffe come down to its banks to drink The wooded riverine country formed by the river's many tree ringed oxbow lakes and tributar streams a1so ideal habitat for leopard and likely prey such as puku and impala abounds open vehicles (with no roof or sides SCOVERED supero Luang impa